At PawGone Good, we take pride in formulating our recipes using high-quality, human-grade ingredients, often locally sourced, that contribute significantly to the nutritional value and longevity of your dog’s life. Our focus is on combating common health issues, particularly those stemming from oral care neglect, which can lead to serious health problems including obesity and even cancer if foods are not carefully prepared. Our innovative chips are designed for convenience, making them perfect for any occasion, whether you’re walking, hiking, flying, or relaxing at home. These treats are easy to break apart, suitable for dogs of all sizes and breeds, and offer a unique, transformative solution for your pet’s health.


Key Ingredients to our recipes and Their Health Benefits:


Supports oral health by reducing plaque and freshening breath through its antimicrobial properties.


Provides high-quality protein and essential nutrients that support overall health, including strong teeth and bones.

Organic grass fed beef

High in vitamins and antioxidants, they support overall health and reduce the risk of oral infections.

sweet potatoes

Rich in fiber and essential nutrients, they support digestive health, indirectly benefiting oral hygiene by reducing harmful bacteria.


Naturally abrasive texture helps clean teeth and gums, reducing the risk of oral diseases.


Promotes a healthy coat and skin while reducing inflammation that can be linked to dental issues.